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How Yoga Reduces Stress

Posted by Domino

How Yoga Reduces Stress

Yoga is  an ancient method approximately 6000 years old, that has been used to keep  millions of people  fit, healthy, flexible, calm, happy,to increase the immunity of human body, as a meditation.
There are both physical and mental benefits of yoga specifically related to our mind, body and soul. We all are aware  that doing yoga is good for our body but very less implement this in their day to day life because of their busy routines.
Let us see how this impacts our mind, body and soul. It is the way with which we can worship our body.
Regular practice of this improves  many things including the  blood circulation in our body which increases satisfactory delivery of oxygen and nutrients to various parts of body like brain, skin, various organs which further improves the efficiency of mind and body.
It tremendously reduces the risk of heart attacks, which is one of the most common cause of death globally.  Yago also  increases the internal immunity of the body to  fight against  viruses and infections. It make our body more flexible and provide it more strength to fight physical pains.
There are a number of yoga postures to help various kinds of body pains such as back pain, neck pain, spine pain, knee pain etc. It also helps in cutting down body weight, blood pressure, the respiratory system and digestive problems.
There are various mental benefits also associated with this like it helps in lowering of hormones which causes stress by our daily everyday lives and any other activities and free picks that allows us to keep our mind calm and happy. Daily and regular practice provides us adequate strength to fight depression by gradually escalating the hormone which controls mood and sleep.
There are even some postures which can accelerate the recovery of a cancer patient by growing red blood cells. It increases our focus power, increases memory power, increase the ability to learn, improves our mood in a posiitve way. So we strongly suggest to practice it so "Do yoga and live healthy and calm life".

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